Bella's Blessings

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Soaring High

Connor Wesley Smith is an Eagle Scout!  We are so proud of Connor and his accomplishment.  Here is an excerpt from his scoutmaster's email :

Please join me in recognizing the accomplishment of Troop 159's own Eagle Scout, Connor Smith!  We congratulate Connor on his achievement, and celebrate with him.  It is truly the proudest moment for a Troop when one of its own earns the rank of Eagle.  

The trail to Eagle is a long one - less than 5% of the young men who start in Scouting complete the journey.  It takes hard work, focus, and perseverance.  There are many merit badges to earn, service projects to complete, and perhaps most importantly leadership to provide the Troop. It has been my pleasure to be part of Troop 159 with Connor as he completed his journey to Eagle.
Connor has been with Troop 159 since 2006 and wrapped up this part of his Scouting journey following his Sr. year at Westwood - a particularly challenging set of priorities and demands to manage.  His Eagle project at Eagle's Wings was highlighted with a big Thank You! in the Sep 2013 issue of Eagle's Wings Happenings. 

I still remember the first time Connor and I were camping together, a canoe trip.  Connor was first up to volunteer to help the younger guys portage their canoes "over the wall" and was never without a big smile on his face no matter what I asked him to help with (which was quite a bit).

Eagle Scouts aren't born, they're made.  Connor chose to become an Eagle, and did it.  I am confident that Connor not only has earned his rank, but understands what it means to be an Eagle.  I wish Connor all the best as he moves on to college and the rest of his life, and hope he stays involved in Scouting as an adult!
Congratulations Connor!

Scoutmaster Thompson

We had his Court of Honor on October 7th in Austin. The entire family came as well as special friends from his life in Austin.  A beautiful book of congratulatory letters from Presidents, Congressmen, Nolan Ryan, and many others was given to Connor. Connor made a special speech, thanking his family and those adults that helped him achieve this goal. I had to write a recommendation letter to the Boy Scouts for Connor and some of the excerpts from that sum up my feelings about my boy:

I am the mother of an outstanding young man.  He has been an anchor in our family for the last 7 years and a joy to me for the last 18.  Connor came into a family of three siblings. He is the baby and 7 years younger than the rest of his siblings.  He has always been a child with knowledge beyond his age due to his older siblings.  They absolutely adore him and spent lots of time with him as a child and adolescent.  Connor does not have a family member that does not adore him.  He spends time with his grandparents, his siblings,his nieces and nephews, and his parents.  I have been amazed that he is able to balance family life with church, school, and boy scouts with such ease.  Connor is an excellent communicator and has been known to carry out this skill in the most delicate of situations.  I also see Connor as an outstanding young leader.  I would call him a servant leader and he patterns that servant style after Christ.  He has deep religious convictions and a strong sense of family values and morals.  Connor aspires to become a firefighter and I look for him to give service in that capacity in the community he lives.  I am so proud to call my son: uncle, grandson, brother, friend, student, and Boy Scout.  He has worked hard on his Eagle path and I know he will carry the values he has learned in scouts through the rest of his life.

One Proud Momma Here!

Count Your Blessings, Bella

Weekend With the Grandkids Down South

Kirk and I took a weekend to go down to San Antonio to see the boys!   Brooke has Hudson and Caleb and Abbey has Wyatt.

We so enjoy going to Brooke's as she is always a great hostess.  She cooks healthy food for us and watches football with her dad.   We relaxed with the boys and had a really laid back weekend.  Abbey, Justin, and Wyatt came in from Austin to visit as well. Hudson is two and a half now and such a joy.  He was very attached to Kirk this weekend.  He wanted to play with Pops all day.  Wyatt and Caleb interacted with each other and were so cute together.  Both babies are standing and starting to walk.  It was a glorious weekend.

Swimming with Pops

Caleb 10 months, Wyatt 11 months, and Hudson 

Loving me some Caleb!
Loving me some Wyatt!
Wyatt pushed Caleb- so precious

Caleb loves his Uncle Justin
The "big" boys went hunting and Connor got his first duck!

....there is no grandfather who does not adore his grandsons.

 Author: Victor Hugo

Count Your Blessings! Bella

Friday, October 18, 2013

Riley Turns One

Oh my- I have fallen so behind on my posts.  You know life and work has gotten in the way,  I have missed my blogging!


Well sweet Riley Hope turned one in October. Luci had a wonderful birthday party.  We had four generations of family together along with friends that love our sweet baby girl.  Riley is such a blessing to our family.  She has the sweetest disposition and enjoys all aspects of her life with a smile. I am fortunate to spend alot of time with her and she is quite attached to her Bella.  She loves her mommy the most and then her daddy, but I am in her top three.  Here are some pics from her party:

Not Quite Sure What To Do With This

Take time right now
To enjoy this day
Relax in knowing
The promise God gave
That you are a child
Of God up above,
Made in His image
And made in His love.
© By M.S.Lowndes.

Count Your Blessings, Bella