Bella's Blessings

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Orange Leaf Austin- Here it Comes!

My firstborn has taken on a new adventure in frozen yogurt!  He is so darn smart and with his group has put together enough capital to open several stores in various cities around the country.  We were thrilled he wanted to open up one in Austin- so Kirk and I invested as well.  Well it is finally here!  Orange Leaf Frozen Yogurt Austin will finally open this week.  This has been a real fun adventure for us.  We are not a part of the day to day operations, but the store is close to us and we will help as needed.  It is really fun to watch your children in action as they deal with their various professions.  I am so proud of Jeremy and everything he has accomplished.  I guess I am his number one fan and isn't that what mommas are supposed to be!  So if you are in Austin, stop in and try this amazing frozen yogurt.  The place is family friendly and has a huge TV with wireless Internet.  It is a place to relax, work, and have fun!  It is located in Volente Plaza at 620 and Anderson Mill in the HEB shopping center.  Look for the sign that says " Brain Freeze Imminent."  Hope to see you soon!  Check us out on Facebook:!/orangeleafyogurt

No news on baby Hudson- perhaps my next blog will be all about this wonderful child's entry into the world!

Count Your Blessing, Bella

Sunday, March 20, 2011

SXSW and Sound of Substance- Gotta Love Austin

Well this is the 2nd year in a row we have participated in a small part of SXSW (South by Southwest). Most of the time during these big festivals in Austin, we avoid the crowds and stay home.  SXSW is just something you cannot avoid.  The spirit if all these bands trying to make it catches on and somehow everywhere you go in this city there is music playing.  We follow this band called Sound of Substance.  It is a band of three brothers and we are friends with their family.  David ( their drummer and in my opinion the most talented drummer ever) and Jeremy were best friends  in high school.  In fact he stood up for Jeremy at his wedding.  Jeremy, Abbey and David were also on the Westwood Drumline together.  Thomas the younger brother and Connor are best friends. They went to middle school together.  Their mom, Amy is one of my best friends and is always there to lend a helping hand when needed.  We went to the Austin Art Garage to watch their band and had an awesome time.  The weather was beautiful!  Abbey even came out and hung out with us for a while!  Here are some pics from the awesome event.  Be sure to check out S.O.S. website and hear some of their fabulous music.  It will make you smile!

Sound of Substance
Abbey, Connor, Robert, and Myrna
Gotta love Austin- Count your Blessings!  Bella

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Blessings to all the Mommas out there!

Well I had the grandchildren today as Luci and Jeremy went out of town a day early.  They were up raring to go before 8:00 to get some much deserved time to themselves.  Connor was here to help me, so I was not completely alone.  I can tell you  right now to all you moms out there that do this day in and day out- BLESSINGS!  I am exhausted, and I am pretty good at this kind of thing.  So here is how the day went:

Breakfast started out well as Luci prepared everything:

We played, then got dressed and took a big adventure out in the car.  We got out to play at Braum's and had an early lunch.  Naps went well.  After naps there was more playing and dinner. 

 Dinner was a little messy for Carter as he is just learning to eat foods- he still prefers baby foods, but we tried.  I'm sorry Carter for the pink bib- it was the best I could do at the time.  He is happy though!

Our biggest adventure was an evening ride in the golf cart with Uncle Connor driving.

Bath, bottle, prayers, then off to bed!
Phew- where did the day go?  I know I have formula and spit up all over me and peanut butter as Finley wanted a night time snack too.  Man I loved today and I would not have traded it for anything.  Finley cuddled with me and said "I love Bella"- Carter always is cuddly - drool, spit up and all- Oh to count my blessing and thank God every day for them!  Bella

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Carter Man

My boy and his boy!
My sweet little grandson Carter Mark is 8 months old.  I realized that I never blog about this little guy- so today he gets his own. He is so yummy!  He is a layed back little guy that doesn't let too much bother him.  He has been  such a blessing to all of us.  He is sitting up on his own now, holding his own bottle, and very verbal- he says mama, dada, and laughs alot. He has not said Bella yet- but I am sure he will soon.   He is the prefect brother for Finley and loves and adores her.  Right now he is teething and has two ear infections and still manages to smile and love the world.  I sure am enjoying my time with him. Here are some updated pictures of Carter!

Playing with sister!

So interested in the world!
Count your Blessings!  Bella

Spring Break Road Trip 2011

Saturday night while Connor, Kirk, and I were waiting for Brooke's call that Hudson was coming ( which never came) we decided to take a road trip to Oklahoma to see the grand babies.  Kirk had to stay home and work since everyone else in the office took off this week.  Connor and I decided to go.  Brooke was not so happy as now I will be 9 hours away if she goes into labor.  Well it is Tuesday and still no baby.  She goes to the doctor today so we will see.  So we set off on Sunday afternoon and stopped in Waco to see Kirk's mom and brother.  I spent time talking with "mom" and telling her stories about her great grandchildren.  She really enjoyed them.  Connor spent time with his Uncle Stephen learning about investments.  We set out on the road to Dallas to see my mom and dad.  We just stayed for 12 hours but had a great time.  We Skyped with Brooke, played with the dogs, and had a great dinner at one of my parent's favorite restaurant Two Rose and watched the 4th season of Dexter.  What a great night!  The next day we headed to Oklahoma after a quick stop at Buy Buy Baby- love that store.  We finally made it to Oklahoma.   I was very brave and let Connor drive part of the way.  He did a great job.  Nothing sweeter than your grand daughter running to greet you saying " Hi Bella" upon your arrival.  Last night Luci made a spectacular dinner on the grill then we cooked s'mores over the fire pit.  It is still very cold here.  Off for new adventures today!

Milo and Harley- My parent's dogs!

Loving her S'more
Cooking with Bella

Chilling on the porch with Uncle Connor
Count Your Blessings!  Bella

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Surfin' USA

Yesterday was an awesome day at school.  The week before Spring break is a a hard week for educators and especially in these budget cut times, my principal decided this would be a good week for the administrator's annual cookout and tacky Hawaiian shirt day.  So yesterday the smiles committee set up a "beach area" and our cookout team cooked over 100 hamburgers for our staff.  Sonya and I -well we surfed between classes.  We played surfing music during transitions and amazingly the kids were calmer.  Here is a shout out to everyone to have a great Spring Break and stay safe. 

Surfing at School

My Tacky Hawaiian Shirt
Still no news on baby Hudson!  Brooke went to the Doctor yesterday and she says it may be awhile.  So keep her in your prayers.  She is beginning to get uncomfortable.  Connor and I plan to go see the grand kids in Oklahoma over Spring Break.  Hopefully we will get a call to come to Lafayette for the birth of Hudson!  Be sure to count your blessings, Bella

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Hopes, Dreams, and Expectations

There is a quote I love about change:

"The only thing that is constant is change".

The Smith Family is in a state of change these days.  Brooke and Travis are in Lafayette waiting for baby Hudson to come.  Jeremy and Luci are in Oklahoma raising their two beautiful babies- Finley and Carter.  Abbey is about ready to graduate and thinking about grad school and her boyfriend Justin. Connor is close to finishing high school ( okay I know he is only a sophomore).  So Kirk and I have begun to talk about our future and our hopes and dreams. We each have a minimum  of 12 years left to work, so the questions we have to answer.  What do we want for our future? Where do we want to live? Do we even want the same things?  How do we plan to meet our expectations? 

You guys that know me, know long term strategic planning for schools is something I enjoy doing and have gotten good at over the years.  My life, well that is a different story.  I was always going to marry, have children, raise them, have grandchildren, and basically do anything I wanted within reason.  Well along came my in reason- Kirk Smith.  He just wanted a simple life- a good job, a family, a wife that loved him, and of course no debt. So we have begun the conversation.  Those of you that have known us over the years know this conversation can be quite tenuous and will most likely take two years to complete by the time Connor graduates.

The conversations go something like this:

Lynn  " I want a lake house where all the kids can come, a big boat, and want to travel all over the world"

Kirk   " I want no debt and to live within our means"

Lynn " I know honey- we will but I want a lake house, big boat , and to take my family on vacations"

Kirk " you frustrate me- we have to pay off the house, pay off the boat, pay off the cars, etc......" ( I have stopped listening at this point).

So you see a classic case of he sees the trees in the forest (every single one)  and I see the beautiful forest!

Stay tuned! We will continue the conversation and will come to some resolution which will bring us both joy and happiness in our lives. Right now here are some new pics from our visit with Brooke and Travis and our beautiful grandchildren in Oklahoma!

Count Your Blessings, Bella!

Brooke and Travis at the Tabasco plant in Lafayette. They have a new flavor now, Chipolte.

Jeremy and Carter Man

Finley with her Bo

Baby Hudson's New Nursery!