Bella's Blessings

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Valentine's Day 2012

We had an absolutely lovely valentines day at the Smith household.  Connor has a girl friend now- sweet Anna- and he surprised her with a dinner and her favorite movie at the house. We set the table the night before.  He planned the menu and bought the food.  I just made chocolate covered strawberries for dessert.  He made everything else once Anna got here.  So romantic!  Wonder where he gets that gene from, hmmmm?  So let me tell you about my valentines day.  Kirk sent me beautiful yellow roses and then got Chinese food on the way home. We let Connor have the kitchen and we had dinner and dessert upstairs in our room.  We watched a movie as well.  Quite a fun night and oh so very simple.

All the great things are simple, and many can be expressed in a single word: freedom, justice, honor, duty, mercy, hope.
Winston Churchill

Here are some fun pics:

Just a couple of cute band nerds!

Dinner is set!


Count Your Blessings, Bella

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Jubilee- Word of the Year

So my word of the year to live by in 2012 is Jubilee- to live my life each day as occasion of rejoicing or festivity.

So just as a check one month into the year, how does life measure up?  Well here is what has happened so far.  I saw my grand kids 3 of the four weekends in the month of January.  Certainly a Jubilee!  Connor has decided to go ahead and work towards his Eagle Scout.  I was very pleased with his decision. Kirk got his Google bonus which always makes him happy.  I have had some hard issues as well this month.  I started a new diet which doesn't make me very happy, but is good for me and losing weight has never felt so good.  My cousin was diagnosed with breast cancer and is a true inspiration by  her strength and strong faith.  She has always handled her life with grace and I know she will handle this as well.  I also have two co- workers that are fighting cancer. I am so proud of their strength and determination.  So how is life a Jubilee? I think this Christian song says it best:

O let the Son of God enfold You
With His Spirit and His love
Let Him fill your heart and satisfy your soul
O let Him have those things that hold You
And His Spirit like a dove
Will descend upon your life
And make you whole

Jesus, O Jesus, come and fill Your Lambs
Jesus, O Jesus, come and fill Your Lambs

O come and sing this song with gladness
As your hearts are filled with joy
Lift your hands in sweet surrender 
To His name
O give Him all your tears and sadness
Give Him all your years of pain
And you'll enter into life
In Jesus' name

So my life is a Jubilee as Jesus fills my soul and takes my worries away.

Here are some of the Jubilee moments of January 2012:

Finley helping her brother at the Crescent Hotel in Dallas with Bella and Pops

My honey and Carter

Finley and Connor at the Fairpark Aquarium

My Grand kids and Kirk's brothers Kids- 2nd cousins....

Finley and her matching American Doll- love that store!

Hudson in Colorado- they had tons of snow

Momses and Papa with their great- grand kids

Just found this quote and love it- seems fitting for tonight:

“God expects you to have enough faith and determination and enough trust in Him to keep moving, keep living, keep rejoicing. In fact, He expects you not simply to face the future (that sounds pretty grim and stoic); He expects you to embrace and shape the future--to love it and rejoice in it and delight in your opportunities."  
Jeffrey R. Holland

Count Your Blessings, Bella