Bella's Blessings

Monday, May 26, 2014

Mother's Day and the Lovely Month of May

Where did May go?  I know we had Mother's day at the ranch and we watched the Dallas kids for a long weekend so Jeremy and Luci could travel to San Francisco with Brooke and Travis.  I will have a very important announcement about my job this week so hold on.  That has taken some time.  Luci helped me redecorate the living room, so now I have more seating.  She has such an eye for color and excellent taste. It is a  beautiful room and I love it.  Here are some of my favorite pics from the month:

Miss my boy- he is in Austin for the summer

Birthday party time for Finley's classmate

Rides, Rides, and more Rides

Such pure joy!

Breakfast at the ranch- 3 babies, cooking breakfast, my favorite times!

Mothers Day 2014

Abbey and Wyatt

Riley tolerating the ranch- notice the pink jeans and gold  shoes.

Missing my Hudson!
Two of my Girls in San Francisco

"The world's favorite season is the spring. 
All things seem possible in May."
-  Edwin Way Teale

Count Your Blessings, Bella