Saturday night while Connor, Kirk, and I were waiting for Brooke's call that Hudson was coming ( which never came) we decided to take a road trip to Oklahoma to see the grand babies. Kirk had to stay home and work since everyone else in the office took off this week. Connor and I decided to go. Brooke was not so happy as now I will be 9 hours away if she goes into labor. Well it is Tuesday and still no baby. She goes to the doctor today so we will see. So we set off on Sunday afternoon and stopped in
Waco to see Kirk's mom and brother. I spent time talking with "mom" and telling her stories about her great grandchildren. She really enjoyed them. Connor spent time with his Uncle Stephen learning about investments. We set out on the road to
Dallas to see my mom and dad. We just stayed for 12 hours but had a great time. We Skyped with Brooke, played with the dogs, and had a great dinner at one of my parent's favorite restaurant Two Rose and watched the 4th season of Dexter. What a great night! The next day we headed to Oklahoma after a quick stop at Buy Buy Baby- love that store. We finally made it to
Oklahoma. I was very brave and let Connor drive part of the way. He did a great job
. Nothing sweeter than your grand daughter running to greet you saying " Hi Bella" upon your arrival. Last night Luci made a spectacular dinner on the grill then we cooked s'mores over the fire pit. It is still very cold here. Off for new adventures today!
Milo and Harley- My parent's dogs! |
Loving her S'more |
Cooking with Bella |
Chilling on the porch with Uncle Connor |
Count Your Blessings! Bella
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