Bella's Blessings

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Blessings to all the Mommas out there!

Well I had the grandchildren today as Luci and Jeremy went out of town a day early.  They were up raring to go before 8:00 to get some much deserved time to themselves.  Connor was here to help me, so I was not completely alone.  I can tell you  right now to all you moms out there that do this day in and day out- BLESSINGS!  I am exhausted, and I am pretty good at this kind of thing.  So here is how the day went:

Breakfast started out well as Luci prepared everything:

We played, then got dressed and took a big adventure out in the car.  We got out to play at Braum's and had an early lunch.  Naps went well.  After naps there was more playing and dinner. 

 Dinner was a little messy for Carter as he is just learning to eat foods- he still prefers baby foods, but we tried.  I'm sorry Carter for the pink bib- it was the best I could do at the time.  He is happy though!

Our biggest adventure was an evening ride in the golf cart with Uncle Connor driving.

Bath, bottle, prayers, then off to bed!
Phew- where did the day go?  I know I have formula and spit up all over me and peanut butter as Finley wanted a night time snack too.  Man I loved today and I would not have traded it for anything.  Finley cuddled with me and said "I love Bella"- Carter always is cuddly - drool, spit up and all- Oh to count my blessing and thank God every day for them!  Bella

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