Seems like we are up and down I35 most weeks. We are still in the process of finding a house. Kirk moves up April 1st to begin work so hopefully he will continue looking at night. My mom and dad have graciously agreed to take all four animals ( two dogs and two birds ) for a short time when we are updating floors and paint in our house in Austin. Our goal is to be on market by May 1st. Hopefully we will sell fast and have a June closing. I want to send a huge shout out to my mom and dad who spent three days with Kirk doing handy man stuff around the house and packing. They are amazing and I am so blessed to have them and their support. I went up to Dallas for a principal interview last week and they have invited me again this week. So again up I35 we go! Here are some pics from the last few weeks. More blogs to come....
Always fun to play with baby Wyatt. |
Abbey and Justin usually come over once a week. So much fun! |
Kirk and Connor were able to catch a Stars game over spring break. |
“All great changes are preceded by chaos.” -Deepak Chopra
Count your Blessings, Bella
Lynn, we won't be at church this week. How did the second interview go? We are sure going to miss you - so glad you have this blog!!!!!!