Bella's Blessings

Friday, April 8, 2011

Loving Your Parents- What a Blessing

There is a saying that goes something like-you don't understand how much your parents love you until you have children of your own. 

Here is one from HenryWard Beecher:

"We never know the love of a parent till we become parents ourselves."

This week I had the pleasure of watching my daughter become a strong, secure mother as she had her first born last week.  I also got to watch my parents meet their great-grand son for the first time.  This is their third great grandchild and my mom always says you love your grandchildren even more than your children and your great- grandchildren even more than that!  How can we possibly imagine how much love that is?

 It was such a joy to spend time with my parents this week.  It really made me appreciate all they did in raising me and my 3 siblings and all they did when I had young children.  They watched my kids any time I asked ( even when there were 4 of them).  Momma always came up and stayed with me for 2 weeks after each baby.  I made her cook and clean.  She reminded me, she even left home made dinners in the freezer for me after each baby.  So now Brooke's home is clean and she has chicken spaghetti and lazagna in the freezer. They also offered continual support and love as my children grew up- never missing a big event.  Don't worry I will do the same for my kids and as much as possible for my grand kids and their children.  After all I had a great model!  Thanks mom and dad from the bottom of my heart, I love you both.  Be sure to thank your mom and dad today and tell them how much you love them!

Count your Blessings, Bella

Here are some pictures of my grandchildren and my mom and dad with their great grandchild.

My new favorite picture of Hudson

Finley and Carter in Oklahoma- they are such cuties
Finley, 2 years
Carter, 8 months

4 generations - Momses,  Bella,  Brooke, and Hudson

Papa with Hudson- he can always calm a crying baby!

Momses and Hudson

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