For years I have been into scrap booking. That is a hobby where you take all your pictures and create these beautiful books for your family to enjoy for years to come. I have friends that scrapbook, cousins that scrapbook, and a sister and niece who scrap book. I have found the task of scrap booking daunting at times given my limited creativity and lack of patience in finishing a project. Although over the last year it has started to come together for me. I have started to attend scrap book weekends with my friend Dana. This is a weekend where you scrap book the entire weekend at a bed and breakfast setting. There are tables set out for you with cropping tools available. They also have a cook that comes in and prepares your food. There is also a large screen TV to watch "chick flicks" on and you can "crop" all night. What else could a busy school administrator, grandmother, and mom need to unwind and relax. Most importantly I get to catch up with my friend Dana. We have been friends for 26 years now. She has four children as well and is my "travel agent." Even though she is a smart engineer, she is excellent at planning trips and Kirk and I have been to Hawaii, Alaska, and many cruises with her and her family. I also have met some really nice ladies that I scrap with. I have given this gift to myself twice a year and appreciate the love and support from Kirk in running the home front. My boss is pretty nice too about letting me have a day off every now and then. What I am finding out is, I enjoy this time to renew and refresh so much. I really also enjoy making things for people and am finding that I am pretty creative and able to put a memory book together that my family will enjoy for years to come. Well, if not I enjoyed making it! I love the creative memories slogan " you are the keeper of your family memories."
Here is the scrapbook room at the "Creative Cottage" in McKinney, Texas
This is my friend Dana cropping away and new friend Tryna in the background.
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