Kirk's mom passed away on December 24th. She had fought a valiant fight against pneumonia for 13 days and in the end at 88 great years of age it was her time. Kirk's brother Stephen was her primary caregiver and did an exceptional job in prolonging her life. We were all able to be with her ( myself, her three sons and older grandchildren). There was a lot of love around the bed when she passed. We miss her terribly, but know she is in a better place with dad, the love of her life. The priest at her service commented on how it was fitting she passed on Christmas Eve as being from Costa Rica, the holidays were hard for her as she did not ever get to be with her family there. Now she is with them and dad and I take comfort in that. Here is the link to her Obituary and a beautiful picture of her in her twenties.
Brooke spoke at her funeral and did a fabulous job. Here are the words she said about her grandmother:
Grandma was a strong woman so full of life. I have many memories of her cooking for us in the kitchen, always providing us with our favorite cheese and crackers, taking us to lubys, and sleepovers during the summer. I remember her taking us separately into her room to give us money each Christmas and birthday. We would always compare on the car ride home to see who got the most! Somehow we thought whoever got the most was loved the most by her.
I remember her laughter, her very thick accent, lots of hugs and always a big kiss where she left behind the proof as I would always find an imprint of bright red lips on my face.
She was a woman who knew what she wanted and had no trouble telling you exactly how she felt or what she thought. I truly admired this about her. Most of all though, I admired her love. She so deeply loved her three boys as well as her grandchildren. The love I admired the most was the way she loved my grandpa. When I think of the selfless love she showed in taking care of grandpa in every way possible, I only hope I can show this kind of love to my own husband and family. Her love truly exemplified Christs love.
We will miss you grandma, but know this is not goodbye. you are at peace, reunited with the love of your life and surrounded by God's unconditional love.
Here are some pictures from her reception. Only the nursing babies came, the younger grand kids stayed home:
Aunt Debbie with sweet Wyatt |
Mom's legacy- her three boys |
And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.
1 Corinthians 13:13
Count Your Blessings, Bella