Bella's Blessings

Sunday, June 26, 2011

He's Sixteen!

Hard to believe our baby is 16!
Kirk and I are so proud of our Connor Man.  He is  ready to take on the world.  Yesterday- his actual birthday we put him on a bus to New Mexico to go to the ultimate boyscout experience- Philmont.  Over the next 12 days he will hike over 70 miles with a backpack, shoot rifles, repel down a mountain, ride horses, sleep in the mountains, and basically have the time of his life with the guys.  No mom and dad to tell him what to do, no puppy responsibilities, no chores- just himself to worry about.  He is a pretty good "mountain man."   We know he is having an awesome time.  He told me it was the best present I could ever give him.  Have a blast my son!  You have been and will continue to bring such joy to your whole family.  Stay safe and God Bless!

Birthday family dinner- here with Abbey

This dude had just sang  Happy Birthday to him in Italian- Connor took it pretty well!
Count Your Blessings! Bella

Saturday, June 18, 2011

It's All About the Dogs

Dog=Man's best Friend

My goal in life is to be as good of a person my dog already thinks I am.  ~Author Unknown
I grew up with many dogs throughout my childhood ( Bucky, Lolly, Waldo, Bucky II, Lady, McMurphy) and my parents loved their dogs- they still do.  Kirk did not have alot of experiences with dogs as his dad was allergic to dogs.  So when we first got married, I wanted a dog.  I was promptly told "no way, not ever!"  I was able to talk Kirk into some cats- Mitty and Tabby.  Thus  began the lost cat years.  I loved my cats but still wanted a dog.  Many years later I brought home a little puppy- Mikey.  I loved him fiercely, but was not a good dog owner.  He was a miniature Aussie mix and thought we were all his sheep and he was in charge of all of us.  This was fine if no one else ever came over.  I was very busy at the time as a new mom with three little babies and did not do a good job of training him.  We did bring him to Austin, but he escaped a few years later and never came home.  I was heart broken and still feel like I let him down.  Four years ago I finally talked Kirk into getting Maggie.  I was going to do everything right with this one- Brooke picked her out at the shelter ( or I should say, she picked us).  Connor, Kirk, and I took her to obedience lessons.  Kirk and Maggie fell in love and they are inseparable.  She pines for him at the door while he is at work.  She is an awesome dog!  Lately, I have been wanting another dog for Maggie to play with and Connor to take care of.  Well we found him- Buster.  One of my teacher's dogs at work unexpectedly had Australian Shepherd puppies.  I usually like to  get  puppies at the pound ( you know saving a life), but these babies also needed a home.  She brought them to school and I fell in love with the little girl, Kathy called her Dora.  I brought Connor to see her and this little male puppy ran right up to him- talk about love at first sight.  The rest is history- Kirk had to say okay and we brought him home a week ago and Connor named him Buster.  Connor is doing great getting up with him and caring for him.  I am loving it and Kirk is beginning to get attached.  He actually watched Buster this morning while Connor and I were gone.  Connor plans on doing agility training with this pup as everyone has told me - these dogs need a job.  He has and will continue to bring a lot of joy into our lives.  All of my children have dogs- so here are pictures of all the dogs in my life- I have taken care of them all at one time or another!

Leo- Abbey's boyfriend, Justin's dog- he comes over regularly to play with Maggie

Milo- my mom and dad's huge Mastiff

Harley- my mom and dads other dog- he likes Milo
Bauer and Scout - the first grand dogs - belonging to Luci and Jeremy
Callie- Brooke and Travis' dog- she lived with us for a few weeks
Our new baby- Buster

Maggie and Kirk
Had to include these:

Finley and Bauer
Callie and Hudson
Bauer and Finley again- so cute

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Lake! Lake! Lake!

Went to the lake today!  We all love the lake.  My very good friend, Louise, invited us out play at the lake today!  She is a long time friend from Dallas and her family has a lake house on lake LBJ!  We love to meet her there and relax at her beatiful house!  Connor got to tube,  Kirk got to relax with his friend Bud Ice, and me well I got to dream of my lake house some day on this lake!  Here are some highlights of the day!  Thanks Louise, Mer, and Brandt, for a wonderful afternoon!

Count Your Blessings, 

Thursday, June 9, 2011

29 and Counting!

Kirk and I were married 29 years on June 5th.  We spent the night in Surfside after most of the kids had left my beach birthday bash.  Justin also took us out to dinner with Abbey and Connor in Galveston.  We went to an ice cream parlor afterwards and it was so much fun.  I was like a kid in a candy store- Kirk was his usual with self control- although I talked him into an ice cream cone and a cherry shake- yum!  We will go to New Orleans in a couple of weeks to really celebrate- but thanks to Abbey and especially Justin for making us feel so special on our night.  I need to also thank Kirk for 29 wonderful years.  I remember a card we got on our wedding day which said " be good to each other though the good times and bad- there will be plenty of both ."  At first I thought why would this person give this to us on our wedding day- but it is so true and you know after all these years the bad times make the good times so much better. So after 4 kids, 3 grand kids, a job layoff, my medical issues, 3 kids through college, 2 dogs, 2 cats, 2 birds ( okay- I know that was pushing it), and 12 of those years in graduate school between the two of us, life is truly a blessing.  I have been so blessed to call this wonderful man my husband, partner, and best friend for 29 years.  You know- I think the best is yet to come! Here are some pics of the love of my life!

My Favorite picture of all time!
Kirk with his beloved Maggie- he loves her more than me sometimes
Kirk and his other love - UT with Brooke

Love! Love! Love!
Kirk and Abbey

Anniversary dinner in Galveston
Abbey, Justin, and Connor in Galveston
Kirk with baby Hudson!
Kirk, Travis, and Jeremy on the way to UT game

Sweet Luci and Jeremy

What a Blessing!

Count Your Blessings, Bella

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Birthday Beach Party Blowout

I had a great 50th birthday party at the beach with my family.  Kirk rented a beach house at Surfside and the whole family came including my mom and dad! We had 11 adults and 3 babies for 3 nights! What a great party.  I think the pictures tell all- but what a great way to celebrate with the whole family.  Thanks to my kids that came long distances to be with their momma!  Thanks also  to work for the days off!   I had a great party at work before we left at one of my favorite restaurants!  A girl just couldn't be more blessed....

Luci and Connor brought the kids up to school to see their Bella:

Here are the pictures of the beach! Notice the boys had matching PJ's for my birthday!

Count Your Blessings! Bella