Greetings from Lafayette Louisiana! The food is good, the people are so nice, and most importantly Brooke and Travis are here and in their new home! We came down Wednesday night to help them move in, fix the nursery, and organize. Kirk has put together the crib, dresser, baby swing, baby bouncy seat, and book shelf. We have kept him busy. The furniture came Thursday and so we spent most of that day unpacking and organizing. Chris ( Travis' mom ) and Kirk spent Thursday afternoon painting the nursery. I even painted a small area. Yesterday we were able to have some girls time at the Blue Dog Cafe and went to buy the rest of the nursery "stuff " and new home supplies. What Fun! So all in all, Lafayette is a great place to live. We are here during the most exciting time of the year- Mardi Gras. There are two parades tonight. I wanted to go to one but Brooke has overruled- you know 9 months pregnant-she calls the shots and reminds me that walking to the parade, waiting for the parade and standing up watching the parade is not something she cares to do at this time in her life. Kirk and I did take a drive last night and found a favorite spot, a drive through daiquiri bar. Yes that's right, you drive up and order your daiquiri! Now they do have rules like you cannot open it in the car or even stick the straw in- but what an awesome concept. I think we will go again tonight! Here are some pictures of our girls time and boys assembly time!
Girls time at Blue Dog Cafe |
Kirk is assembling the baby dresser and Travis is assembling the baby exerciser
Brooke is putting her feet up and resting! |
More pictures of the house and nursery coming soon.
Count Your Blessings, Bella